3 problems and issues using free articles for making money


Many webmasters always want their site is visited by many visitors to be able to make money from it, the various ways they do so that visitors could come starting from repair design, SEO optimization and especially the update content.

They always try to bring the content at any time, and as we know it. .. that is not easy to write the article.

Free directory of articles eventually became the alternative to it, many on the Internet who shared the article for free.

By editing a bit of content from the content you can publish it on your site without having to think about a lot of things to find the idea of the article.

Can be said this is the most widely taken by the webmaster who's "lazy " or haven't been able to find ideas for writing your own articles, so they choose to use the free article directories and use to make money.

Basically a website or blog can make money if it has ads. But when a visitor was a lot then there are various ways that we can do to earn an income.

For example, becoming an affiliate of a company, promoting their products or even their company, whatever you can do and be a way to make money from a web site. So that you can get for your own benefit and in part to budget so that your web site stays there.

Perhaps this is an alternative way for those of you who don't have the capital or initial budget for your web site, so you should be able to get a lot of visitors in quick time without the giddy thinking of the articles, so the number of visitors from the above we can making a web site to make money.

But despite that, this is not a good thing for your site and business life.

There will be a lot of bad things that await, there are many problems that destroy what you run now.

Issue 1-search engines

The search engines won't see your site or even throw her from the search results, this is because the content is content that the duplication and too closely with existing articles before you.

That's why, we should be able to present content that is completely new, different and original, the less competition then the easier it is to get your rank in the search results.

But if you really must use the contents of the directory for free then make sure that you have been editing it so it's not exactly the same.

Add data or complement existing content in order to have a better quality than the content that is in a position of Rank 1 Google can also do.

Whatever the origin of its content they are not duplicating other sites.

Be the top search result is very good, with this website you kan get visitors as any Peacock looking for answers will be an issue in the search engine.

Then your web site will appear in the top choice.

But just make the content alone is not enough for that, you have to do search engine optimization, and using SEO techniques On Page or OFF Page.

Any effort in order for your web site and the content you become SEO Friendly so easily crawlable by a robot crawler spider.

Issue 2 - create a visitor clicks on affiliate advertising

To get the highest rank in the search results and gained a lot of visitors from scatter machine is indeed a hard work that we have to do to it, but this is not how.

This is all just the beginning of what you have to face, because it's not just to attract visitors who you think but also how to make them want to click the link afiiliasi ads on your site, maybe they've seen many ads the same on other sites similar to yours but it is not a guarantee that they would be interested in clicking.

That's why we have to think how do they want to click on the link and buy existing products in ads through your affiliate link.

When the visitors were already familiar with the site you have because it always appear at the top of the search results are what they are looking for, then they will have more confidence to your site and make sure to click on because here you are considered a person trusted for them in deals that are available on the ad.

Of course this is very important so that you can make money from it.

That is why you must able to bring great writing and different from other sites, in addition to avoid penalties from search engines, it is also to build trust from the side of the visitors because they will think that you are an expert in This field and what products you recommend to them through advertising is indeed not a crappy advice.

If you just make the writing which is a copy of other site visitors consider you less trusted, and this can make the interest of visitors to click into a down or even their going away from your site.

So, even though we got articles from the directory.

We do not ever copy it outright, you have to make it the Foundation of your writing or main idea.

Then the rest you develop itself.

Add an existing content with a variety of important information you need to provide to readers.

So the content of your writing will be different and far more complete than other content already circulating on the Internet.

Issue 3-Author Bylines

Although you find free content, open means this entirely unnecessary in pay.

Probably paid you have to do not with money but with pin the name of the original author of the article.

Actually it's not a bad thing but it does not mean that it's something good.

Because usually the giver free articles gives some sort of regulations such as  "when you want to use this article on your site, you need to pin the name of the Author's", which is usually not just a name but also a link from the web author.

That makes it worse is when our readers liked the novel and are interested in reading more of the writings of the author then they will prefer the clicking of the author than the existing ads on your site.

Of course this is bad because it's not just got no revenue from the ads, you will also lose visitors because they switched to visit the site belongs to the author.

Yes this is indeed a strategy that they do to get visitors to their site, and further expanded the name to know a lot of people through websites using their writing.

If you pay attention to any issue properly, you will find that many bad effects that you would get when using the writings/articles of free directories on your web site.

Penalties range from search engines because you perceive did a duplication of content to the drop in visitors because your site is considered less reliable because the writings are similar to many other web sites and make them switch to visit the site the property of the original author.

As a webmaster, it is very important to be able to write their own content.

In addition to in order to get used to writing, have good ability. It also allows you to be more able to learn how to let your writing and your site SEO can be performed easily in search engines, and you no longer need to hire a SEO services at a later date.

In addition you have the results of your original writings which are able to make visitors believe it with the quality of your content.

Although it is difficult to find ideas works great when you don't have it. But using free content is not a good thing.

When you have enough money, better to buy or rent a professional content writer and capable of delivering a good writing, but if you don't have the capital then learn to write your own content.

And when you've been able to generate new money you hire professional services to help improve the development of your website even better.

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